I'm watching the local and international news stations and I keep hearing of suicides, and suicide bombings. You know it is all so sad, because sometimes these people who do these things, they are just in need of a little love and care from someone.
There are young people out there throwing away their lives, because they are facing something they think they cannot get over. All of it is so hurtful to think of. I know depression, I was depressed once. Thank God I'm free. But others are not, and people can have so many reasons to be sad and believe things will never be better and give up.
You might have someone in your life picking on you, hurting you, and making you feel ugly, stupid, unwanted. I felt all of that, but guess what, life is so funny; you don't know what can happen for you tomorrow. Hope for tomorrow.
That's what disbelief does to us, it makes us feel that what is in front of us, is all there is to reality, and that's not true. So don't give up, don't commit suicide.
Use writing, like I did, to help you cope. Write to someone in a similar situation and encourage them, or write about how your sadness makes you feel and get it out. Keeping it in will destroy you.
Take care now, and do some writing today...
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