Something to Think About:
How Writing Can Help You Heal
I wrote previous posts encouraging readers to use writing as a tool to heal from hurt. I'm going to share a few of my poems that demonstrates this use of writing. Even reading other's writing is therapeutic, so I hope this helps too. Maybe when you read my work and see what I have been going through and have overcome, it will inspire you to fight on.
Watching the ships set sail is like
hearing a trumpet sound
and wondering if it’s the End;
the Apocalypse.
Anxiety becomes my bread.
How do such great and heavy things stay afloat in waters?
Where is God now?
Watching the ships set sail is like
toasting bread in an oven,
the heat pervades the air, crushing the moisture from the slices
laid like a Lamb to the slaughter,
the Saviour rests.
Where is God now?
Watching the ships set sail is like
watching my life elude me;
like a string caught in a sudden net
and finds itself being pulled away to somewhere unknown
fear and confusion sucking it away.
I need salvation.
Where is God now?
Here is another poem.
A Saving
Seeping, sinking, saving
lifting, carrying me into something
heaving me over and into a drifting
helping me to see something burning
a light that is still shinning,
lighting the way ahead of me.
Swaying, sinking, sifting
Feeding me what I need to keep on breathing
I am here waiting for my turn to go dancing
Forever prancing, like a crazy humming bird flying
Not dying forever in silence.
Sweetening, shaking, soothing
me with a tune that continues capturing
my soul in a beautiful mourning
to mercy I wait here dreaming
hoping the light will take me home.
Tell me what you think I was concerned about.
Here is another poem.
What Lack Does

I sit with pen in hand,
ironic, life treats the penned hand bitter,
not better;
broke and still living in what they deem a ‘bliss’
in paradise Jamaica I sit
when will I start living?
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