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Showing posts from April, 2016
Do You Like Art? Here is a student of mine, who is studying to become a graphic artist. I want you all to show him some love. He created my new book cover (I shall not reveal it until it is ready to be on the shelf), it is AWESOME ! This is just a taste of his raw talent, and he can do much more with photoshop. These are just a few pictures of what he does idlly. If you want to give him work, his name is Denhall Barker and his email and telephone number are: 1876-471-5137. Talents like these go well with writers. If you have a talent you are not using up, don't waste time, no matter how old you are, do something with it!!!!!!! Which one do you like the most?
Something to Write About Suppose somebody told you you're ugly, how would you react? Well I know how I would react, I would feel a little pinch inside that would tell me, "Oooch that hurts". But what would happen after? That is the point of interest for me. A lot of times when people say mean things to us, whether it is true or not, it hurts. And it could stop there, but we often let it linger and go into our subconscious. And although we are not pondering about it consciously, it is there, in the background of our minds, growing from the initial seed that was planted. This is where we begin to bully our own self. We become our own critic and tear down ourselves. The thought could not have gone so far if we didn't believe it was true. They have a saying in Jamaica, 'belief kills and belief cures'. I don't know if you've ever heard it. But it is so true. What ever you believe your conscious and unconscious mind acts on it, and that in turn inf...
Something to Think About: How Writing Can Help You Heal I wrote previous posts encouraging readers to use writing as a tool to heal from hurt. I'm going to share a few of my poems that demonstrates this use of writing. Even reading other's writing is therapeutic, so I hope this helps too. Maybe when you read my work and see what I have been going through and have overcome, it will inspire you to fight on. Freedom Watching the ships set sail is like hearing a trumpet sound and wondering if it’s the End; the Apocalypse. Anxiety becomes my bread. How do such great and heavy things stay afloat in waters? Where is God now? Watching the ships set sail is like toasting bread in an oven, the heat pervades the air, crushing the moisture from the slices laid like a Lamb to the slaughter, the Saviour rests. Where is God now? Watching the ships set sail is like watching my life elude me; like a string caught in a sudden net and finds itself being pulled away ...

Use Writing as Therapy

Suicide I'm watching the local and international news stations and I keep hearing of suicides, and suicide bombings. You know it is all so sad, because sometimes these people who do these things, they are just in need of a little love and care from someone. There are young people out there throwing away their lives, because they are facing something they think they cannot get over. All of it is so hurtful to think of. I know depression, I was depressed once. Thank God I'm free. But others are not, and people can have so many reasons to be sad and believe things will never be better and give up. You might have someone in your life picking on you, hurting you, and making you feel ugly, stupid, unwanted. I felt all of that, but guess what, life is so funny; you don't know what can happen for you tomorrow. Hope for tomorrow. That's what disbelief does to us, it makes us feel that what is in front of us, is all there is to reality, and that's not true. So don...