What are you gaining or losing?
Every decision we make in life is a trade off. This is because we are always gaining or losing something, and even both. Sometimes what we gain is more than what we lose. However, it can also be that you lose more than you gain.
Let’s say you chose to stay up at nights and play your favorite game. It gives you pleasure, and you get to feel quite satisfied passing the levels and getting the gems, and the money in the game. But overtime, the trade off is bad health, poor memory from a lack of sleep, aches and pains from your body not repairing at nights, crankiness from the lack of rest. It might even become more detrimental when you're making decisions. If you examine the end result that is an awful trade - you traded your health for a few hours of fun!
When you were playing the game at nights, this never crossed your mind, and if someone came to you and offered the pleasure of the game in exchange for your health, you probably would never have taken such a deal. But such is the nature of choices, there is always a price attached to a choice whether you see it now or later.
Think today about the choices you are making and consider the trade off; are you getting more than you’re losing, or is it the other way around? Sometimes it is not easy to make the better choice, but use the consequences and benefits to help you to decide the reality you prefer. Remember you can always replace a house, car, clothes - material things, but your time, life, health, relationships are things you cannot easily fix or replace at all, so those things should be most valuable to you, valuable enough not to trade them for just anything.
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